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New Technology Assists in Truck Accident Analysis


Advanced technology is helping truckers avoid accidents and helping both truck accident victims and trucking companies better determine who was at fault in an accident. These recent technology advances were reported in Future Structure:

  • Truck cameras. A company called SmartDrive has developed cameras that can capture the driver’s activity and the road in front of the driver in 12 second cycles. Once the driver hits the brakes, or there is a sudden shaking of the truck, the last eight seconds before the impact and the four seconds after the impact are preserved.

A review of the camera images can help determine if the driver was drowsy or distracted, if the driver ran through a stop sign, or if negligence by the driver or someone else caused the accident.

  • Truck detectors. Trucks can now be installed with collision avoidance systems that monitor their speed and the distance between the truck and other objects, such as a car in front of the truck or the lines of the road. If the truck gets dangerously close to an object, the avoidance system alerts the driver to take an aggressive response.
  • Electronic logs. The FMCSA regulates the hours that drivers can operate a truck and how many hours they can drive before they must get off the road. Drivers are supposed to keep written records of their time, but often fail to maintain accurate records. A lawyer can examine the electronic record to determine whether there were violations. The electronic logs should also alert the driver and trucking company when the driver needs to get off the road.

More new technology on the horizon will impact truck accident litigation

The most talked about new technology is the use of driverless/autonomous trucks. When that technology becomes usable, it will change the way truck accident cases are handled. To begin with, the software companies that enable driverless operations will likely be liable if their software results in death or serious injuries.

At Stipe Law Firm, our Oklahoma truck accident lawyers keep abreast of the latest technologies so that we can use our knowledge to better hold drivers and truck companies liable when people are hurt. We also work with trucking industry professionals who understand the most recent trends. For help if you have been injured, or if a loved one died in a truck crash in or around McAlester, please call us at (918) 505-7741 or complete our contact form to schedule an appointment.
