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Welcome to the Stipe Law Firm's Blog! We hope that this will be the first of many entries that will be made in the upcoming weeks, months and years. We have offices located in McAlester, Oklahoma City and Tulsa, Oklahoma. Since the firm was founded 60 years ago, we have become experienced in a wide range of practice areas, including personal injury, medical malpractice, nursing home law and vehicle accidents. Our lawyers are committed to providing dependable service and getting results for their clients.

The goal of this blog is to educate our readers and current or potential clients when it comes to the law. With our wide range of practices, this blog should be a great resource for almost anyone going through the legal issues. The better prepared you are when starting the legal process, the better off you will be as it continues. Every week we will share important news and insights related to family law, criminal defense and workers’ compensation, among others.

In future entries to this blog we will tell you a little more about ourselves and pass on some of our knowledge about the law. Hopefully we can impart some useful information to our readers. Please check back on this blog often for updates. And if you or someone you know needs a lawyer in Oklahoma, please contact our attorneys for a free initial consultation.
