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Why Boating Accidents Occur


Spending a day boating on open water is supposed to be a relaxing event, not something that causes serious injury. All too often, what started out as a fun way to unwind with family and friends can turn into a disaster. According to the United States Coast Guard, the top five reasons for boating accidents are as follows:

  1. The driver of the boat acting in a reckless or careless manner
  2. Inattention on the part of the boat driver
  3. Driving a boat without assigning a passenger the responsibility of looking for dangers
  4. Inexperience of the boat driver
  5. Irresponsible behavior of passengers or nearby skiers

Other possible causes of boating accidents include collision with another vessel, the driver of either boat being under the influence of drugs or alcohol, speeding, dangerous water conditions, and failure of the driver and passengers to wear a life jacket.

Boating accidents can be avoided

The most difficult thing to accept in a boating accident is that the majority of injuries and deaths are preventable. The United States Coast Guard recommends that all people who regularly spend time in a boat take an approved safety course. Since 70 percent of all boating accidents are caused by operator error, a preliminary investment in safety can help reduce this number.

If you or a loved one is you’re involved in a boating accident, get help from an Oklahoma boating accident lawyer for help. The first step you need to take is to contact an Oklahoma personal injury law firm like Stipe Law Firm to discuss your case. An attorney will meet with you to let you know if your case appears to have merit. Contact the firm to schedule a free initial consultation.
