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Cooler Weather Increases Certain Dangers for Oklahoma Drivers


The spring and summer seasons were a bit “off” in Oklahoma this year. Not only did we see record-setting heat waves roll into the state in May, but long months of on again, off again floods and droughts, along with perpetual earthquakes and gusting winds (including some strong enough to knock over a semi-truck on I-44 in July) have taken their toll on all of us. So it’s not without some sense of relief that we usher in the cooler months, and welcome autumn back to Oklahoma.

But with a new season comes new hazards – especially on the roadways. Truck and auto accidents are just as likely in the fall as they are in the spring, and for a whole new set of reasons. The Stipe Law Firm wants you to be careful out on the roads in the coming months, so we created a list of potential causes of auto accidents for you to be aware of:

  • Deer and wildlife. Hunting season starts soon, and with good reason: all those cute little fawns from the spring are turning into young adults, which means their parents may become “twitterpated” pretty soon. Bucks in particular get reckless during rutting season, so be careful when you’re driving through heavily wooded areas.
  • Increased numbers of students. Now that school is back in session, we’re seeing a lot more big, yellow buses on the roads – and more little ones in the crosswalks. Be hyper-aware of your surroundings in school zones, because your visibility will be decreased, and because small children can be impulsive.
  • More teens on the roads. There will also be an increased number of teen drivers on their way to and from school and after-school activities. Even the safest teen drivers can still pose a threat, simply because they do not have the experience to handle curve balls thrown at them.
  • Slick, slippery roads. As the weather cools, we may see more rains or even early ice showers. This can make the roadways slick, and increase the chance of debris being blown into the street. If the weather report is less-than-perfect, you should try to be a bit more careful when you drive.
  • Decreased visibility. Cooler earth temperatures and moisture-heavy air can lead to fog, so be wary on early morning commutes. Sun glare, as well as the changing times for sunrise and sunset, can also make drivers a little disoriented on the road.
  • Foliage fans. They call them “leafers” out East, but you know them well: drivers who take to Oklahoma’s scenic roadways to admire the changing colors of fall. If your regular commute happens to follow the changing leaves, you might want to leave a littler earlier, to account for the drivers moving more slowly down the roads. Be especially aware of out-of-state drivers, who may not be families with our laws.

We are definitely looking forward to autumn, but we are also aware of the dangers posed to drivers. If you are injured in an auto or truck accident in Oklahoma, you can trust Stipe Law Firm to help you get the help you need to protect your family.

To learn more about our services, or to schedule your free consultation with an experienced Oklahoma auto accident attorney, please call (918) 505-7741, or fill out our contact form. From our home office in McAlester, Stipe Law Firm proudly serves clients throughout the entire Southeast Oklahoma region.
