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Injured on the Job? Here’s What to Do


Individuals who have sustained debilitating workplace injuries often feel helpless and are confused by the bureaucratic process of still getting paid while recovering. Fortunately, Oklahoma injury lawyers are here to help anyone who is ready to file a workers compensation claim.

Get started ASAP

The process for filing a claim and securing lost wages begins as soon as you’re injured. To protect your rights, you must report all injuries to your supervisor immediately. Your boss will complete an injury report in order to submit an insurance claim. The next step is visiting a doctor or an emergency room as soon as possible. To prove your claim, you should keep copies of all medical records and payments.

The final step is submitting the claim. By law, employers are required to provide immediate medical care and must supply workers comp claim forms. If you receive off-site medical attention, a copy of the employer’s first notice of injury must be submitted with the claim. These documents must be sent to the employer’s insurance provider and the state Workers’ Compensation Court within 10 days of the injury.

Who can file for workers comp?

Unfortunately, some businesses don’t carry workers compensation insurance. In this case, damages can be recovered in a negligent injury case (like a regular personal injury claim). There are also some employees who are not covered by workers’ compensation insurance. These individuals include owner-operator truck drivers, agricultural workers in small companies, domestic help, and workers in a company with fewer than five employees. Some employees, such as railway workers and offshore personnel, are only covered by federal laws. For these employees, a complaint will be submitted under FELA, the Federal Employees’ Compensation Act, the Jones Act or the Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act.

To learn more, visit the Oklahoma Workers’ Compensation Court online or contact Stipe Law Firm in McAlester today.
