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Transvaginal Mesh: Dangers and Complications


The primary cause of stress incontinence is weak muscles along the pelvic floor. The weakness may be caused by childbearing, aging, menopausal symptoms or an undetermined reason. When women with stress incontinence laugh, sneeze, cough or lift heavy objects, they involuntarily pass a small amount of urine. Some doctors choose to treat the problem with a transvaginal mesh, which is a sling that provides support to the urethra.

Pelvic organ prolapse (POP) is another condition that can be treated through the use of the transvaginal mesh. POP causes a pelvic organ such as the bladder to drop below its normal location in the body and push up against the wall of the vagina. The most common causes of POP are childbirth and surgery, both of which have the potential to stretch or weaken supportive organs and muscles.

Numerous side effects of the transvaginal mesh procedure were reported to the Food and Drug Administration between 2008 and 2010. This prompted an official warning to be issued to surgeons, gynecologists and related medical professionals on July 13, 2011. The top five complications of the transvaginal mesh procedure that were reported to the FDA include:

  • Erosion of the mesh material
  • Severe pain
  • Bleeding
  • Infection
  • Return of urinary problems

Women who experience mesh erosion often require several surgeries to repair the problem. Unfortunately, the subsequent surgeries are not always successful and women are left to contend with debilitating pain and other serious health concerns.

The transvaginal mesh procedure is now considered so dangerous that women are routinely advised against having it done. If this warning comes too late for you, the experienced Oklahoma injury lawyers at Stipe Law Firm can help. Due to the newness of the procedure and its severe side effects, few lawyers in the country are equipped to handle the consequences of its failure — our lawyers are among those who are ready and willing to take on your case.
